Are Oysters Plants or Animals?


Oysters belong to the bivalve mollusk family, and are easily identifiable by their 2-part hinged shell. The shells are connected by thin ligaments that also protect the oyster’s soft insides.

Oysters tend to live in the shallow waters where they can easily feed. They have gills that give them the ability to filter feed, filtering out nutrients and particles as the water flows over their gills. This process of them eating also cleans the water, a win-win.


The answer; Animal. But, why is there a debate about it? Many people believe oysters are plants due to their inability to feel pain, their lack of a brain and centralized nervous systems. Most scientists believe that oysters respond to negative stimuli like a reflex (like a plant), rather than an actually reaction, leading people to believe they must be plants!

FALSE! Oysters still have organs and there is no way of knowing how little or much pain these mollusks could possibly feel, as of right now. Oysters are considered a type of meat, so steer clear if you’re on a non-meat diet!